Join us at our Virtual Events Series

From crisis to opportunity what's the future of trade?

As the Covid-19 crisis sent the world into recession, a decade’s worth of unexpected – and at times unprecedented – changes to the trade landscape occurred within months. Amongst these are the long-term impact of the pandemic on the world’s supply chains, the continuous renegotiation of trade tariffs, the rebalancing of world trade relationships, and the growing trends towards trade digitalisation and de-globalisation.

And now, as the world strives to turn the page on the crisis, where do opportunities for business growth lie?

Join us at our series of four virtual interactive events designed to help your business understand the new international trade environment, navigate trade credit risks and identify business growth opportunities. Do not miss the chance to hear from our speakers, and the additional insight they will provide when answering questions from our audience.

Event #3
The impact of digitalisation on trade

In response to the Covid-19 crisis many businesses have accelerated their adoption of digital technology and some have undergone complete digital transformations years before initially planned. With digitalisation now at the top of many boardroom agendas, we have invited a panel of experts to tell us more about how digitalisation is impacting trade.

Technology has certainly affected the way we communicate, but how are digitalisation trends changing the way we trade around the world? Can AI or big data analytics bring business opportunities? How can digitalisation support user experience to increase trust, improve efficiency and transform business models? In addition, we will invite questions from the audience and give you the opportunity to gain expert knowledge from business leaders at the forefront of digitalisation.

Daisy McAndrew (former Economics Editor and Chief Political Correspondent for ITV News) will moderate a panel discussion on this subject as part of our Virtual Event Series. This event features:

  • David Rowan – Founding editor of WIRED’s UK edition and early-stage investor in technology start-ups
  • Jean-Marc Noël – Co-founder and CEO of Trusted Shops
  • Frédéric Wittemans – Executive Director International Credit at Ingram Micro
  • Dirk Hagener – Atradius Director of Strategy and Corporate Development

Click the link below to watch the recording of the live event.

Watch the webinar

Meet our panel members

Atradius Chief Market Officer, Andreas Tesch, is the host of our virtual event series. With a wealth of experience in risk and the issues facing international trade Andreas is well placed to share his insights into the key areas discussed.

Event moderator, Daisy McAndrew, is an English journalist and former Economics Editor and Chief Political Correspondent for ITV News. Now a freelance presenter, Daisy’s knowledge of world finance and economics makes her an excellent interviewer, skilled at promoting stimulating debates.

David Rowan

David Rowan
David Rowan is the founding Editor-in-Chief of WIRED magazine’s UK edition (2008 to 2017), an active investor of technology start-ups and author of Non-Bullshit Innovation: Radical Ideas from the World's Smartest Minds.

Jean-Marc Noel

Jean-Marc Noël
Jean-Marc Noël is co-founder and CEO of Trusted Shops. The company is active in 12 countries in Europe and provides buyer protection and other technology solutions to enable trust between people and businesses in the digital age.


Frédéric Wittemans

Frédéric Wittemans
Frédéric Wittemans is Executive Director International Credit at the world’s largest IT distributor, Ingram Micro. With a presence in 52 countries, the company delivers technology, networking, software and data centre solutions, among others.

Dirk Hagener

Dirk Hagener
Dirk Hagener is the Atradius Director of Strategy and Corporate Development. In addition to the Group strategy, he is responsible for the Atradius Innovation agenda. Dirk has a background as a strategy consultant and ecommerce specialist.

Learn more about our panel members

Our 4th and final event?

Event # 4: De-globalisation – a new way to trade but will it stick?  -  23 June 2021  -  11 AM CET

Missed our 3rd event?

A white paper on the topics of the event will be published soon. Sign up to receive a copy. 

You want to attend our fourth event? Sign up for an email alert and we’ll make sure to invite you when we launch our registration campaign for event #4.

White paper

Download the white paper

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Sign up to our next and final event

Missed our previous events?

Event #2: How trade relationships and tariffs are affecting trade worldwide.
A white paper on the topics of the event has been published and we have produced a summary video for you. 

Download the white paper

Watch the summary video


Event #1: How Covid-19 changed global trade forever
We’ve got you covered. You can find a summary video and event white paper here.

Download the white paper

Watch the summary video


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